Our Autumn Update!
Hi Everyone
There are a few changes for Autumn, and a few things to make you aware of, so here goes..!
Buy a 10 Class Pack from now until midnight FRIDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER 2023, and pay for just 9 classes! That’s £126.00 versus our regular price of £140.00! So that’s a free session, or 10 sessions for £12.60, depending on how you see it! Just book the class pack in the normal way via the “Class Packs” tab on your TeamUp customer account, or click here. Please be aware that 10 Class Packs now have a 3 month expiry.
* TWO-PART “BEGINNERS WORKSHOP” – Thursdays 28th Sept & 5th Oct @ 6.45pm
Two successive workshops to introduce (or reintroduce!) Mat and Tower Pilates. The first of the two sessions will be entirely mat based. The second will introduce the Towers and their different elements, taking some of the exercises from the first session and trying them on the larger equipment. These workshops are aimed at both clients completely new to Pilates and those new to the large spring-loaded equipment, the intention is that you attend both sessions. Each session will run for 90 minutes, giving you a total of 3 hours tuition and setting you up nicely for our regular group classes, if that’s your goal. You’ll also be provided with a video recording to recap the sessions so you can familiarise yourself with some of the exercises at home too.
Cost per 3 hours tuition (over 2 x 90 min workshops) is £35.00 and bookable via your TeamUp/Customer Account Places limited to 8 clients. Please ensure you can attend both dates before purchasing. Refunds/credits will not be given if one or both of the dates are not attended.
Before the March 2020 Covid restrictions were imposed, I was running a weekly evening Intermediate/Advanced class. Is there any appetite for one again? It could take the form of a weekly class or a monthly workshop, more than likely on Tuesday evenings at 7:15pm, from end September/early October. My old class was entirely on the mat, and largely based upon the Pilates Advanced Mat series with modifications and lots of bodyweight exercises. It could take a similar form but with some use of the Towers for the more difficult exercises, to add support and/or further challenge. Please let me know by replying to this email or speaking with me in person. Thank you!
* NEW “BACK PAIN PILATES” CLASSES – Thursdays @ 10:30am
Danai will teach a short block of classes geared towards manging and preventing lower back pain, and shoulder/neck pain too! This first Autumn block of classes will begin on Thursday 21st September and run for five consecutive weeks until Thursday 19th October. The cost is £75.00 for the five weeks. You can book this block from the “Courses” page of your TeamUp account.
Carole’s September block of Meno-Strength sessions are now available to book. The sessions take place at 7am on Friday mornings. There are four sessions to this block, sessions run; 8/9, 15/9, 22/9 and 29/9. The cost for 4 sessions is £60.00, bookable via the “Courses” page of your TeamUp account
Claudia will teach Danai’s Saturday class from 16th September onwards. Danai took Sophie’s studio class over when Sophie went on maternity leave almost a year ago – it was supposed to be a short term arrangement but she’s kindly travelled to the studio on Saturday mornings for some time now and is ready to hand over the reigns! I know you’ll miss her dearly but please give Claudia a warm welcome!
After careful consideration, I’ve taken the decision to remove these from sale with immediate effect. I’ve offered these packages for the last year or so to provide the lowest prices on a pay-monthly basis, but the increased administration attached to their use (payments not made, my chasing defaulted payments, duplicate accounts being created and general confusion around credits awarded versus used), I’ve decided to simplify the offer and sell only regular “Class Packs” hereon. I’m very sorry if you’ve enjoyed using the Membership and have found it works well for you. If you do have a Monthly Membership, your membership can remain in place until the end of this year. Depending on when your payment is collected, your last payment collection is likely to be sometime in November, but I will contact you individually in October to let you know what this means for you in terms of payments from your debit/credit card and when you will be awarded class credits until.
If you do have a Monthly Membership, both July and August are now available to view (and work out to!) via the On Demand section of your TeamUp account. See you there!
There will be a few changes to Class Packs from the end of this year. As such, 20 Class Packs will be phased out (unavailable to purchase) from the end of this week. The aforementioned promotional 10 Class Pack currently represents better value for money in any case, so if you’re close to the end of a 20 Pack and are about to make a purchase, consider one or even two of these instead!
Thanks for reading, especially if it’s from your deckchair/sunlounger/top of a mountain!
I’ll be away between 6th and 22nd September and only checking emails only very occasionally, so if you do need to email me about anything, if you can do so between now and then I’d be really grateful. My group classes will be covered during this time!
Sam x